
Lakewood High School is the proud home of Thespian Troupe 1697, an affiliate of the International Thespian Society under the Educational Theatre Association.

To earn membership into Thespian Troupe 1697, students must log 30 Thespian points through work within the Company, either on stage, back stage, or in the community.  Freshmen are unable to be inducted into Troupe 1697. Inductions into Troupe 1697 occurs at the Company Banquet every May. A student who has been inducted into Troupe 1697 are considered to have successfully lettered in LHS Theatre.

Becoming a Thespian is an honor and carries with it the responsibility of leadership. Thespian members receive induction honors at the end of the year banquet, can run for office, attend the Colorado State Thespian Conference each year, and act as stewards of what it means to be a part of the LHS Theatre Company. In addition, Thespians in good standing upon graduation (minimum 2.5 GPA with active, ongoing membership in the troupe) earn an honor cord to wear at graduation. 

Honor bars may also be achieved through continued dedication to the Company.  Honor Bar I is awarded when a student earns 60 points, Honor Bar II with 80 points, and Honor Bar III with 100 points logged.  Honor bars are awarded at the Company Banquet every May.

Please refer to our Thespian Points Guide below to see what your participation is worth. If you have any questions, see one of the Company directors. Points are due in January and April of each school year to earn induction into the troupe

As students partake in productions and activities with the LHSTC, it is required that they fill out a Thespian point tracker. ALL LHSTC members are required to turn in this tracker in March every year, even if that member is not going to be inducted that school year.

To use the Thespian point tracker, simply print or make a copy of the document linked below. To make a copy of the document, click File > Make a Copy.  To properly fill out the tracker, follow the instructions on the tracking document.